Born and raised in Michigan, Ryan spent his childhood watching his mother paint vibrant floral watercolors. Growing up, his mom and grandmothers kept him & sisters busy with crafting projects of every variety you can imagine. His love of creating with his hands, was also deeply influenced building decks with his dad. Before moving to Boulder, CO in 1998, he attended school for apparel design and once in Boulder, worked for several years on HIND's product development team. He's a self taught artist and began painting shortly after settling in Boulder. During that time he also co-owned a glass jewelry line and spent thousands of hours making glass beads and designing jewelry. His paintings were and are, influenced by the organic shapes that are created when different colors of glass are melted into one another. When he's not painting he spends time working on illustrations for a children's books he wrote & playing on the trails in CO.


My orb series is a move to more minimalist work, my goal is to create paintings that are simple and captivating. The clean lines and vibrant color choices work together to create images that spring off the canvas. These pieces easily stand alone and also generate a playful exchange when grouped together.

I sketch daily with pencil and ink and have thousands of studies to help me develop composition ideas for new paintings. Once I land on a composition that I want to put on canvas, I experiment with color studies until I have combinations that excite me and then move forward with the painting. My biggest hope for anyone experiencing my work is for their imagination & creativity to be sparked.



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